Technical Recommendations


EUROMAP 172007
Protocol for Communication between Plastic Processing Machinery or Central Computer and Peripheral Equipment
EUROMAP 662002
Protocol for Communication with Peripheral Equipment
EUROMAP 812024

Electrical Interface for Safety Signals.


This recommendation describes an interface used for safety signals only. This can be used, when non-safety relevant signals are exchanged via other interfaces (e.g. on the basis of OPC UA).


Version 1.0 published in May 2024.

  EUROMAP 81.1 v1.0 (257.4 kB)
  EUROMAP 81.2 v1.0 (267.3 kB)
EUROMAP 82.12020
OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Temperature control devices

Release 1.01 (1 June 2020).

For further information see here
EUROMAP 82.42024

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Dosing Systems

For information see here

The Release Candidate has been published and is open for comments.

  EUROMAP 82.4 RC 1.0.0 (751.9 kB)
EUROMAP 832021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery - General Type definitions

Release 1.03 (1 June 2021)

For further information see here

EUROMAP 86 - Material Supply Systems - Order Management2022

Material Supply Systems - Order Management

Release Candidate 1.00.01 (19 October 2022).

For further information see here

EUROMAP 902014
Energy Efficiency Label

Manufacturers may request templates of the label at
  EUROMAP 90 (310.3 kB)

Injection Moulding


Description of injection moulding machines

  EUROMAP 1 (658.0 kB)
Injection moulding machines - Mould fixing and connection dimensions
  EUROMAP 2 (1.1 MB)
Injection moulding machines - Determination of the actual injection efficiency
  EUROMAP 4 (188.3 kB)
Injection moulding process - Determination of important production data - Manufacturing Report
  EUROMAP 5 (326.6 kB)
Injection Moulding Machines - Determination of the duration of the dry cycle
  EUROMAP 6 (16.9 kB)
Injection moulding machines - Determination of the maximum clamping force
  EUROMAP 7 (213.2 kB)
Determination of the nominal opening force of injection moulding machines
  EUROMAP 8 (789.6 kB)
Injection moulding machines - Testing the parallelism of the platens during closing
  EUROMAP 9 (205.6 kB)
EUROMAP 101975
The testing of injection moulding machines - General rules for testing
  EUROMAP 10 (720.0 kB)
EUROMAP 111993
Machinery for processing plastics and rubber Automatic mould changing on injection moulding machines

Part 1: Mechanical interfaces for automatic mould clamping
Part 2: Hole pattern for the platen side faces for mounting consoles for energy coupling plates
Part 3: Energy connections
Part 4: Contact assignment of the electrical plug-in connections
Part 5: Coupling the ejector
  EUROMAP 11 (548.6 kB)
EUROMAP 122015
Electrical interface between injection moulding machine and handling device (see also EUROMAP 67)
  EUROMAP 12 (380.1 kB)
EUROMAP 132009
Injection moulding machines, Core pullers, Electrical interface
  EUROMAP 13 (259.5 kB)
EUROMAP 142009

Injection moulding machines - Hotrunners and electrical mould heating equipment, Electrical interface

EUROMAP 151992
Protocol for communication between injection moulding machines and a central computer (withdrawn; however may be applied on special agreement! See also EUROMAP 63)
EUROMAP 162009
Injection moulding machines - Electrical connection of peripheral equipment with analog or digital interface 
  EUROMAP 16 (394.7 kB)
EUROMAP 181994
Injection moulding machines, handling equipment, Mechanical interface
  EUROMAP 18 (195.1 kB)
EUROMAP 191995
Injection moulding machines - Determination of the plasticizing capacity
  EUROMAP 19 (219.7 kB)
EUROMAP 602013
Injection Moulding Machines - Energy Efficiency
EUROMAP 611994
Injection moulding machines - Mode of operation - Definitions
  EUROMAP 61 (101.4 kB)
EUROMAP 622014
Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machine and Fluid Injector Systems
  EUROMAP 62 (283.3 kB)
EUROMAP 632000
Data exchange interface (General + Injection moulding machines)
  EUROMAP 63 (224.9 kB)
EUROMAP 642008
Injection Moulding Machines - Warning Signs
  EUROMAP 64 (249.2 kB)
EUROMAP 652006

Injection Moulding Machines - User Identification


Parameter IDs assigned to IMM Manufacturers (3.4.9):
















Ferromatik Milacron




Sumitomo (SHI) Demag



New IDs will be assigned by EUROMAP only.

  EUROMAP 65 (41.3 kB)
EUROMAP 672013
Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machine and Handling Device / Robot
  EUROMAP 67 (255.1 kB)
EUROMAP 67.12013

Electrical Interface between Shuttle- and Turntable Injection Moulding Machine and Handling Device / Robot

  EUROMAP 67.1 (248.5 kB)
EUROMAP 682008
Injection Moulding Machines - Prohibition Signs
  EUROMAP 68 (502.6 kB)
EUROMAP 692008
Injection Moulding Machines - Mandatory Action Signs
  EUROMAP 69 (438.3 kB)
EUROMAP 702009
Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machines and Magnetic Clamping Systems
  EUROMAP 70 (271.6 kB)
EUROMAP 712013
Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machine and Mould Changing Device
  EUROMAP 71 (468.1 kB)
EUROMAP 722006
Horizontal Injection Moulding Machines - Integration and Use of Magnetic Clamping Systems
  EUROMAP 72 (407.7 kB)
EUROMAP 732009
Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machines and External Safety Devices
  EUROMAP 73 (239.0 kB)
EUROMAP 742009
Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machines and Electrically Driven Cores
  EUROMAP 74 (242.9 kB)
EUROMAP 752012
Protocol for Communication with Peripheral Equipment
EUROMAP 772018
OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Data exchange between injection moulding machines and MES

Release 1.01 (1 June 2020).

For further information see here
  EUROMAP 77_Release 1.01 (479.2 kB)
EUROMAP 782020

Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machines and External Safety Devices

Note: If a double acknowledgement system is required, EUROMAP 78.1 shall be used.

  EUROMAP 78 v1.1 (266.5 kB)
EUROMAP 78.12020

Electrical Interface between Injection Moulding Machines and External Safety Devices with Double Acknowledgement System

Note: If only a single acknowledgement system is required, EUROMAP 78 can be used.

  EUROMAP 78.1 v1.0 (285.3 kB)
EUROMAP 792021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Data exchange between injection moulding machines and robots

Release Candidate 1.00.0 (8 November 2021).

For further information see here

EUROMAP 82.12020
OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Temperature control devices

Release 1.01 (1 June 2020).

For further information see here
EUROMAP 82.22021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Hot runner devices

For information see here

  EUROMAP82.2 Release 1.00 (591.4 kB)
EUROMAP 82.32021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – LSR Dosing System

For information see here

  EUROMAP 82.3 v1.02 (732.8 kB)
EUROMAP 82.52024

OPC UA for plastics & rubber moulds


EUROMAP 201975
Description of screw extruders for plastics
  EUROMAP 20 (1.2 MB)
EUROMAP 211978
Measuring, control and regulation systems (MCR) in extrusion plants
  EUROMAP 21 (443.0 kB)
EUROMAP 221977
The testing of screw extruders for plastics - General test specification
  EUROMAP 22 (458.3 kB)
EUROMAP 231976
Description of tubular film plants
  EUROMAP 23 (787.5 kB)
EUROMAP 251977
Description of plant for the production of tubes and sections
  EUROMAP 25 (800.4 kB)
EUROMAP 261996
Protocol for communication between extrusion lines and a central computer application
  EUROMAP 26 Annex (1.5 MB)
  EUROMAP 26 Part 1 (1.2 MB)
  EUROMAP 26 Part2 (891.0 kB)
EUROMAP 272007
Pipe and Profile Extrusion Lines - Generic CANopen Interface
EUROMAP 282007
Pipe and Profile Extrusion Lines - Electrical Interface for Line Speed Detecting Device (Measuring Wheel)
  EUROMAP 28 (408.2 kB)
EUROMAP 292007
Pipe and Profile Extrusion Lines - Electrical Interface for Downstream Equipment after CANopen haul-off
  EUROMAP 29 (839.9 kB)
EUROMAP 312025

Extrusion - Melt Temperature Measurement

  EUROMAP 31 v1.1 (129.4 kB)
EUROMAP 842022

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Extrusion

Release 2.00 of parts 1-12 (8 June 2022)

For further information see here

Blow Moulding

EUROMAP 401974
Description of extrusion blow-moulding machines
  EUROMAP 40 (1.1 MB)
EUROMAP 421999
Extrusion blow moulding machines - Center distances of blowing heads
  EUROMAP 42 (5.1 kB)
EUROMAP 451993
Protocol for communication between blow moulding machines and a central computer
  EUROMAP 45 (712.9 kB)
EUROMAP 462014
Energy efficiency of blow moulding machines


EUROMAP 501988
Description of compression and transfer moulding presses
  EUROMAP 50 (458.2 kB)

OPC UA Specifications

EUROMAP 772018
OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Data exchange between injection moulding machines and MES

Release 1.01 (1 June 2020).

For further information see here
  EUROMAP 77_Release 1.01 (479.2 kB)
EUROMAP 792021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Data exchange between injection moulding machines and robots

Release Candidate 1.00.0 (8 November 2021).

For further information see here

EUROMAP 82.12020
OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Temperature control devices

Release 1.01 (1 June 2020).

For further information see here
EUROMAP 82.22021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Hot runner devices

For information see here

  EUROMAP82.2 Release 1.00 (591.4 kB)
EUROMAP 82.32021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – LSR Dosing System

For information see here

  EUROMAP 82.3 v1.02 (732.8 kB)
EUROMAP 82.42024

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Peripheral devices – Dosing Systems

For information see here

The Release Candidate has been published and is open for comments.

  EUROMAP 82.4 RC 1.0.0 (751.9 kB)
EUROMAP 82.52024

OPC UA for plastics & rubber moulds

EUROMAP 832021

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery - General Type definitions

Release 1.03 (1 June 2021)

For further information see here

EUROMAP 842022

OPC UA interfaces for plastics and rubber machinery – Extrusion

Release 2.00 of parts 1-12 (8 June 2022)

For further information see here

EUROMAP 86 - Material Supply Systems - Order Management2022

Material Supply Systems - Order Management

Release Candidate 1.00.01 (19 October 2022).

For further information see here

EUROMAP 872025

OPC UA interfaces for plastics & rubber machinery - particle foam machines

Draft (Release Candidate) v1.0.0 (11 November 2024)

EUROMAP 912024

OPC UA for Winders

  EUROMAP 91 RC 1.0.0 (1.0 MB)
  EUROMAP 91 RC 1.0.0 (868.1 kB)

List of Plug Suppliers

EUROMAP Plug Suppliers2024

List of plug manufacturers compatible with EUROMAP recommendations (information as of May 2024)


Dr. Mikula Thiem
Technical Commission